Frederic J. Spar (1948 - 2018)
The “Fred Trail” around the lower marsh honors Fred Spar, who gave so much of his time and energy to improve the refuge. He worked with non-profit groups and corporations, securing grants and inspiring volunteers. He was responsible for renewing much of the infrastructure visible around the marsh, including observation towers and bridges.

Louis (Lou) Beck (1931 - 2013)
Nesting boxes for Purple Martins, Tree Swallows, Bluebirds and Wood Ducks, placed throughout the refuge as well as in the Institute Woods, are dedicated to the memory of Lou Beck, former President of Washington Crossing Audubon Society, who led regular walks through this area and introduced many people to the pleasures of birding. He was devoted to the preservation of this Refuge and habitats for birds.

Thomas J. Poole (1926 - 2019)
As an avid birdwatcher, Tom improved the land and environment by serving on the Boards of D&R Greenway Land Trust, Friends of Princeton Open Space, the Washington Crossing Audubon Society, and was a member of the Princeton Environmental Commission and the Township Council. He and Jane loved the outdoors and could often be found with binoculars around their necks in the Princeton Wildlife Refuge or Institute Woods. He is in the birding record books for hosting the state’s first Townsend’s Warbler at his bird feeder in 1971.

James M. Williams (1950 - 2020)
Jim Williams was a birder who enjoyed photography and nature study in the Refuge for nearly forty years. Two benches along the Red Trail remember him, and offer walkers a place to rest and refresh.