Friends of Rogers Refuge

The Friends are an informal group of volunteers who maintain the trails and facilities, raise funds, and care deeply about the future of the refuge. There are many opportunities for volunteers! For more information or to get involved, send email to

The Friends have a Listserve mailing list where we share news, bird sightings, and chat. To join, send email to rogersrefuge-request at 
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FORR Mission Statement

The Friends of the Rogers Refuge (FORR) acts as an advocate and steward for the Charles H. Rogers Wildlife Refuge, aiming to preserve and enhance habitat for birds and other wildlife while promoting accessibility to the Refuge for current and future generations. 

Mission Priorities

  1. Manage hydrology, support nesting sites and remediate invasive vegetation.
  2. Maintain and improve trails, viewing platforms and other visitor accommodations.
  3. Promote community engagement and education that fosters diversity and inclusion
  4. Sustain a strong working partnership with the municipality of Princeton and the New Jersey American Water Company.
  5. Evaluate the success of the group’s continuing efforts to serve the Refuge.

Minutes of the Annual Meetings
Friends of Rogers Refuge by David Padulo
Back: Lee, Melinda, Winnie. Front: Tom and Margot
Thank You

The Charles H. Rogers Refuge has benefited from the time, enthusiasm, and dedication of many people in the years since the Refuge was created. This list is inevitably incomplete; please let us know if you were left out or know someone else who should be listed.

Louis Beck
Steve Hiltner
Laurie Larson
Clark Lennon
David Padulo
Tom Poole
Tom and Margot Southerland
Fred and Winnie Spar
Lee and Melinda Varian
Anne Williams
Jim Williams
Princeton Township, and the municipality of Princeton
Friends of Princeton Open Space
Washington Crossing Audubon Society
New Jersey American Water Company