Boardwalk repair project

Boardwalk repairs, August 2022

Boardwalk volunteers
Boardwalk volunteers

On August 14, 2022, eighteen volunteers gathered to help move the Blue Trail’s wandering boardwalk back into position. Members of Washington Crossing Audubon, Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space, and Friends of Princeton Open Space joined our Rogers Refuge Friends.

The boardwalk had been displaced by the major flooding of August 29, 2021. Fortunately, it was not extensively damaged. After our dry summer, we had the opportunity to reorient it.

Boardwalk - before
Boardwalk - after the flood
Boardwalk - after
Boardwalk - back in place

Many hands make light work! The boardwalk was moved 25 feet back to its original place on the Blue Trail. Additional repairs to improve support and anchoring will soon be completed.

FORR offers our warmest thanks to all the volunteers and groups that contributed their time and muscle power, as well as to Lee Varian and David Padulo for photography.

Boardwalk volunteers
Boardwalk volunteers at work