Oct. 28, 2023 – FORR Annual Meeting
The minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting are now available…

Autumn in the Rogers Refuge, 2022
This year’s fall migration brought some unusual visitors to the Refuge, including Clay-colored and Lincoln’s Sparrows, Philadelphia Vireo, and Cape May Warbler.

How deep is the marsh?
I got a chance today to walk out to the center of the open water in the Upper Marsh with a friend and some waders.

Boardwalk repair project
On August 14, 2022, eighteen volunteers gathered to help move the Blue Trail boardwalk back into position after it was displaced by flooding.

Summer at the Refuge
After a slow migration, this year’s breeding birds have flourished at the Rogers Refuge. Several pairs of Yellow Warblers are seen and heard around the marsh.

Princeton Students win World Series of Birding
Six Princeton University students in a minivan traveled New Jersey’s length, spotted over 200 species of birds, and earned winged victory.